Saturday, April 2, 2011

Inspirational People (Step by step info on how to be a better person)... by Sarah Yeargin

My inspiration wrote a book about how to be a better person. Proud of my girl. Sarah gave me permission to post here but asked me to tell you it's copyrighted. She's planning to make her first million with this one. You saw it here first, and you can say "you knew her when..."

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! I am impressed!
    Sarah, you have shown all ten steps in your life already. Sometimes we don't even know we have lost our way until we read a book like this. Thank you for sharing it with me. I am sending it on to my children and grandchildren so they can read it, too.

    I hope this book is published so more people can read it.

    Thank you again, Sarah.

    Mary Burkett
