Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Emphatically no

Me: "So did you talk to [boy you like] today?"

Sarah (nonchalantly): "No."

Danny: "What's up? Do you not like [boy you like] any more?"

Sarah: "Heck to the no! I still like him."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sarah gets her head stuck in the trampoline

I was told my assistance was needed, so of course I grabbed the camera...

In spite of what you might think, I am not God

Caid: "Mom, if God made everything, who made God?"

Me: "Um, I don't know. God just is. He was just there."

Caid: "Oh, so he just appeared and made everything?"

Me: "Yeah, I guess?"

Jack: "Why did God make everything?"

Me: "I guess he was bored and lonely. I don't know. He's just God. He can do what he wants to."

Caid: "What's tae-kwon-do?"

Me: "It's sort of like karate."

Jack: "Like kung fu?"

Me: "Yes, sort of. I think."

Caid: "Isn't Jack too young to do tae-kwon-do? I think it's too violent for him."

Me: "I think he'll be okay."

Jack: "Why is it called a Master?"

Caid: "Do you think he'll get hurt?"

Me: "A what? No, he'll be fine."

Jack: "Why is it a Master?"

Me: "What in tae-kwon-do? I don't know. That's just what they call it."

Caid: "Jack! Mom doesn't know everything. She's not God. If she was God she would know the answer."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Well, if you really cannot....

Danny: "Jack, when we get home you need to take a bath."


Jack: "I am sorry Dad, but I cannot take a bath."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

If Jesus and Mario got in a fight, who would win?

The other day Sarah and Jack were playing Super Mario on Wii.

Jack: "Sarah, you have super skills at Mario."

Sarah: "Thanks, Jack."

(a few moments of silence)

Jack: "Jesus has super skills too."

Ms. Tracy and Ms. Sue will be so proud! I know I am...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Point well taken

Me: "I'll be there in a minute."

Sarah: "Can you make it like a minute a minute, not like one of your minutes?"

(I better hurry - I think my minute's up!)