Thursday, December 9, 2010


I was teaching Caid the 10 commandments. When we got to "thou shall not kill," he said, "Well that's one I haven't done."

Friday, December 3, 2010

Important clarification

Jack: "Why did Grandma Holly give me this?"

Me: "It's called an Advent calendar. When all the chocolate is all gone, it's Christmas."

Jack's eyes light up.

Me: "Wait! Let me rephrase that. You eat one piece of chocolate a day, and when it's all gone it Christmas."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

If it was a snake it would have bitten him

Jack: "Hi, Mom."

Me: "Hi, Jack."

J: "I'm hungry."

Me: "Well, don't you have food sitting right in front of you?"

J: "Oh yeah, I forgot."

He's quite sure of himself

Me: "Caid, you look very handsome in that shirt."

C: "Oh man, now that girl who is in love with me is never going to leave me alone."

And earlier this week...

C: "There are four girls who are in love with me."

Me: "Four? Who are they?"

C: "___ and ___ at school. And Charlotte and Ashley."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

In 17 years I'll be elderly

Sarah had to write a persuasive paper arguing either for or against the elderly being able to drive. She said it was a dumb assignment because of course everyone would be against old people driving because it's not safe (her words - not mine).

I asked her to define elderly for the purposes of her argument.  Here response..."I dunno. Like 54?"