Thursday, September 15, 2011


I have this child, whose name I won't mention, who has asked me to stop writing about her on my blog unless I get her express permission. So let the record show that I have deleted a couple of posts that apparently embarrassed her, have untagged her in a couple, and have agreed that I will ask permission to post her quotes from here on out. So if you notice that one of my kids gets a lot less press than the other three, it's not that I love her less or that she is less hilarious. It's just that I'm trying to respect her and keep the peace. I know at some point she'll bring this up and say I don't love her as much as the rest because I don't write about her, but I'm here to say she made me make this change. Her name starts with G, but that's the only hint I'm giving. And note that I'm not tagging her in this post. That's just the kind of mom I am.

1 comment:

  1. so uhh let e get this straight, its ***** right? jeeze that takes out half the fun of the blog, BLOGS ARE FOR OUR ENTERTAINMENT! so r videos, like the embarassing ones we do on youtube, sheesh its not all bad.
